Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sewing Room Makeover Day 2

So today I put up shelves, yes by myself. I sorted all my craft books.
You can see I sorted the books by category. Quilting, machine embroidery and embroidery/design books. Clothing was another category and other books. I found I had a few duplicates. I'll post them on for sale. That is where I buy a lot of my books. I toted books from the sewing room (paperbacks) for storgae and my sewing books to the sewing room. I also moved all the sewing books from upstairs next to my chair where I watch TV. I also moved all the book from out of my office floor. I had two big plastic boxes with books. I really need to trim down my books, don't let the hubby hear that. He's been telling me that for years. I read one romance book every two days. Even with sewing, I still read and watch TV in the evenings and early morning, before I get motivated to get dressed.

Then I started on the plastic shoe boxes.
I sorted and labeled the shoe boxes so I can now know what is in what box. All the elastic is in one, seam binding in another. I used 3 x 5 cards taped to the inside of the box. I found that I had project boxes too. I couldn't stop laughing when I found a skirt cut out for a size 12. I haven't been a size 12 in quite a few years. Maybe one of the daughters might like it. In the project box was the pattern, the material, thread and all the other notions. This method used to work for me, years ago.
I even found old material for my daughter, when she was a kids size 8-10. She's now 23 and has a four-year-old daughter of her own. Funny huh.

I wanted to be finished today, but this show is
to be continued.
I played hooky from all my regularly scheduled Weds activities. The hubby is home on vacation. He took the whole week off. The day was so nice out, he spent most of the day in the garage. It was 40 degrees (above zero). A few years ago, I heard that to have a good marriage after retirement, each person needs their own hobby. The hubby's new hobby is turning wooden bowls on a lathe. He's getting really good. His Dad sent him some Ironwood, so he was working on that all afternoon. He needs a new sanding belt for the sander, a new saw blade for the band saw and more sanding pads. Ironwood is so dense. I watched him show someone that ironwood won't float.
I have to tell you about the new change over to Verizon, for our area. They sent us a card saying that my phone won't work with their data and I got to pick a new phone. I decided on the one with Navigator, but the phone arrived without it. I can't do anything until 22 March. That's our date to switch over. I tried to visit the new store, but the lines are three hours long. Not a happy camper.

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