Friday, December 3, 2010

Sew and Tell Friday

I love Sew and Tell Friday at AmyLouWho's site. Every Friday morning I check my email, then pop over to see what Amy has done this week.  Even when I don't have anything to post.  Finding myself checking through the day and all weekend long as sewers like us post what they worked on this week.

I have been in a slump.  I tell my husband and kids that when they feel sick, they will feel better to get up take a shower and get dressed.   There is a scene in one of my favorite Sandra Bullock movies where she's grieving for her husband and her sister shows up, climbs under the covers with her. Tells her to get up, brush her teeth and take care of her girls.  This is what I decided to do, figuratively of course. To just get up and start sewing.   Yesterday I sewed another scrub cap for the Hubby's co-worker who is turning the big 60.  I'll take a picture at the birthday dinner tonight, and post it tomorrow.

After embossing the HIS towel, I decided that both my boys needed towels for Christmas.  They are both in the Army.  Boys always need fresh towels.  When (yes when) they get deployed overseas the towels are yucky. So I embossed their names on Khahi colored towels.  Before you asked I just got them for $5 at Walmart. 

Yes my Hubby named his boys, Conan and Shon.  Each of his kids are names after Irish Kings and Queens.  It makes it hard to find things with their names on them, like pencils, key chains, etc.  But I know that because their names are unique their towels won't get lost in the laundry.   I tried to upload more photos and Blogger kept locking up, So sorry only one photo of the towels. 

Saturday I'm going to make a new bathmat for the boys bathroom and then do wash cloths for the boys. I have the machines all set up and ready to go.

When I tried to wind the bobbins, they were all weird because the spools of thread are large too large for the sidewinder. I stuck the spool inside a plastic cup to hold it from wobbling and falling on the floor.  The bobbins were still messed up. I wound the thread from bobbin 1 to bobbin 2. It worked so much better.  I had tried the pre-wound bobbins but you can't always find the right color. 

I spent most of the last two days in my sewing room and I can't believe how much better I feel.  I made a list and I'm checking it twice. Running errand became a chore, because I didn't want to shut things down, but I had to go to the dry cleaners, they are now closed over the weekend.

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