Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I think I have adult ADD

Some days I think I have adult ADD.  I'm not trying to make fun of anyone but myself.  I jump from wooo look at that -- to oooh I need that.  Today the mail man delivered a new toy. 
i-Top from Imaginisce

It looks like a funky pair of piers.  It is called the I-top , Custom Brad Topper.  Brads, I don't scrapbook, really I don't. But they seem to have all the cool toys.  This can also make fabric covered buttons and snaps.  The other day making the ID Holders I wanted to put a nice neat snap to close the flap.  I goggled snap sets, etc.  I ran to Joann's and bought a few snap sets, and the tools to use my hammer.

Then I got distracted by my cricut.  Someone on a Yahoo group asked about cutting fabric with a cricut.  I have all the stuff to do that, but seldom every use it, so I began to google cricut and such.  I downloaded new software to cut with and downloaded new tutorials. 

Okay see, back to the i-Top.  May package came in. I ordered what is called Snap Daddies, to be able to cover the snap with fabric, guess what! The stupid things do not come with all four parts of the snap.  Most snap sets come with a cap with prongs, a socket, a stud, and an open prong.  You sandwich each piece of fabric with a prong and either a stud or a socket.  The Snap daddies only came with the cover and the socket.  Remember this is a scrapbooking tool, they cover brads and stuff to bling the pages. It's a good thing I was all over the Internet and ordered a bunch of resin snap sets from the Snap Source. Plus I have snap sets, so I can play with those first. I also bought some button covers called Button Daddies of course.

The ones I bought seemed small online, but the 28 mm is a smidge over an inch, thats a large button. The mediums are 22 mm which is 5/8 of an inch.  I can see embroidering mini designs and making buttons of the store.

I also found a blog called Pink Cricut who had a demo of the i-Top and she said you could use your Crop-o-Dile for snaps.  I think if I had the big bite, it would be easier, because I needed two more hands.

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