Friday, October 23, 2009

Sew n Tell

Amy Lou Who has this sew show and tell on Fridays. I love it it gets me movitated. I also found this link to previous sew and tells. I loved the Apple Cyder Slap Napkin Ring Tutorial on 29 Sep 09. I saw the slap things for my stablizers on Nancy's notions where you get 12 printed and 8 blank wraps for $35. Or make your own.

Ignore my mess, I've been on vacation and as soon as I got home I got sick.
So what I did was start with Apple Cyder's directions and modified it. I cut the size down to 3 1/4 by 12. I embroidered two in my 5x7 hoop. Then I cut the purple slap bracelet from Oriental Trading Company (12 for $5) and pulled off the cover. Boy was I surprised to find a metal measuring tape under the nylon cover. Then I stitched and slid the bracelet into my new cover and stitched then end. I didn''t make the end fancy like Apple Cyder did. but other than you guys and the Embroidery clubs I belong to who is going to see my new stablizer wraps.

I am a member of two embroidery clubs at different shops. Last night was my local Husqvarna Viking dealer, she is my software, stablizer and thread dealer. The group loved my wraps, I also gave a copy of the tutorial I printed off to the dealer to email a link in the newsletter. I need to print another copy of the tutorial off for Monday, I drive 75 miles to the nearest Babylock Dealer, she my machine dealer. Yes Dealer, it is an addiction, just a legal one. LOL
This is our oldest daughter, her husband and the three grandkids we joined in Disney World for a week of playing. Oh my was it hot. It was 95 and a heat index of 105 the whole time. Heat Index, it snowed at home in northen Minnesota while we were gone. I'm more used to wind chill, than heat. I went from sweating to fleece, it is great to be home.


  1. Sew very clever! I love it when things work out like you hope they do...hope you and family had fun together and that you don't go into weather shock!

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  2. Nice project - so practical! It's cold here, too - I could use a little action on the heat index! (That sounds risque but I don't mean it to!)

  3. Great idea! I never thought of it before, but this would be a great use for broken, metal tape measures. Those ones that the kids have pulled ALL the way out, so they never go back in again! lol

    Nice to "meet" a fellow Minnesota crafter! I'm from Duluth, and know what you mean about wind chills. lol Stay warm!

  4. I saw that cool....I printed it out for future reference. I hear you about the heat...I live in the land of Disney World. Today wasn't so bad...high in the 80' daughter actually thought it was too cold ;-)) Enjoy your weekend.

  5. How fun, Disney World!

    My son, who lives with his wife in Mpls, just returned home from canoeing the Boundary Waters. His photos are beautiful.

  6. That is such a cool idea! Looks like a fun project! Have a great week...Sherri : )

  7. very cool! thanks for letting me know. molly

  8. what a great idea! I love it!

    Thanks for linking up! Sorry it took me so long to comment!
