Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Camera and roaming around town

I Love my new camera I was looking at the slim, click and go ones, because I also use it when we travel. But because it was a birthday present, the hubby got a say. He wanted a bigger one. but I told him that I would not want to carry a $600 big camera around Disney World. He picked out a Sony version but when I went back to Target to pick it up (it was a good price without shipping), it was gone. So I played with this one and the Canon version, wrote down the information and got on the computer again. The Canon had poor battery life.

Paul and Babe downtown Bemidji MN

So today I played hooky, no sewing, just shopping and playing with my camera. I went downtown to take pictures of Paul and Babe, our city is famous for the 18 foot tall statue of Paul. The statues were orginally made by the American Legion for parades in 1937. They were placed in the park in 1939.

Lake Bemidji, behind Paul and Babe. Bemidji, is Ojibewe (Local Native American Tribal Language of the Chipeawa Indians). means "river runs through it". The Mississippi River runs through the lake, from the south west side to the north east side. We are on a continental divide so the Mississippi starts out heading north and east, then turns south, east of here. While I was down town I picked up some maps the the River for canoeing, and camping. The headwaters of the river is 57 miles (river miles) from here in Lake Itasca Park. You can straddle the river at the headwaters.

Then I headed home and decided to take pictures, but the best one is of the lake at the end of our road, Lake Alice does not have a public access to the lake, which means the land all the way around the lake is privately owned. I was on the dirt road to take the pictures.

I will show you the shopping stuff tomorrow. I bought a nice demin shirt, a night gown, a tap pant set and a dress for our trip to Disney World in October. I can't wait.

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