Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Patterns under control

I have one job left to finish and then I'm foot loose and fancy free. Which means I can work on my own designs. The jobs have all been boring shirts, hoop a shirt, stitch a shirt, hoop another shirt while first shirt stitches, etc etc etc. Anyway, The last box of blank shirts arrive this afternoon so I can finish the last job tomorrow/friday. Three weeks of shirts and more shirts. I did shirts for a new restaurant in town. It took a long time for me to convince the owner it was better to order the shirts with the embroidery on them through me, versus bringing me the shirts to embroider. Minnesota says that an embroidered shirt is a shirt. Clothing is not taxed in Minnesota, but Embroidery Only is a service and is taxed. I got the exact shirt style he wanted from the wholesaler at 35% off what he was going to buy them at, because I bought in bulk.

Look what I did yesterday while shirts stitched, in between hoopings of course. I pulled out all my patterns and got them organized. I even started an Excel file so I can find them. I moved them into their own new home, a nice file cabinet, out of the yucky chip board ones in the laundry room. I sorted them by categories; misses, womens, children, mens and other (purses). Wow did I have a lot of 1970 and 1980's patterns. A bunch out of date, I couldn't find them on the designers website.

I might have to slim down my collection and either give them away or even sell them on eBay.

Got a piles of magazines in the mail yesterday. I was wandering around the U-Handbag site and noticed that Lisa Lam (don't you love her name) designs great bags and then only posts a picture and a pic of the magazine cover that it's in. I got curious and went digging on the magazine Sewing World's site and found I could order old copies by calling their USA 1-800 number. I flipped though Lisa's list of Bags for Sewing World link and found out which old issues I wanted. They came today. Plus I ordered an subscription, little pricy, but way worth it.

I need to find that pattern for the shirt on the cover of the March 2008 Sewing World. I liked that the magazine lists the pattern on the contents page Simplicty pattern 7791, but it was really Burda 7791 for the leggings and Burda 7793 for the top. Kind of startled me when I googled it, the picture was the same on the pattern cover and the magazine. If someone wants to trade, leave a comment and I'll let you have two from my pile, your pick, tell me which category and I'll send you an email with the list. NOTE: I only want the Burda 7793, blouse top not leggings.

Gotta go get ready for date night with the hubby. Every Wednesday is date night, I look forward to time just the two of us. Even though our kids are college aged, it's nice to not be interrupted when I want to talk to him. I'm keeping him.

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