I want to make my grandson ties, for Christmas, so I have been searching for good fabric for ties for him and his father, plus maybe my Hubby and sons. So my age range is 12 to 60. All the men in my life are into space. techie stuff and such. I mentioned Legos fabric and my Hubby said Y"ah, if it turns out okay, he'd wear it". I bought a yard of Lego fabric, from Spoonflower.
Then I saw the Minions from Despicable Me. Love the Minions.
But when the fabric came yesterday, the images are too big to make good ties. The minions are 3 1/2 by 5 inches and the lego blocks are 2 1/4 by 4.
So while I had some time between errands I stopped at my local Ben Franklin and bought a few fabrics to try.
Yes the brown is familiar, I used it to make a crochet hook case. I think the fabric will be good on the bias. The green/blue has little signs, cabins, moose and bears.
Twirly Skirts are the plan for this feathery purple/lavender.