Then I made a new camera strap. I hate the one that came with my camera, it kept trying to slide off. Off course I made it too long so I added a bead to for adjusting and it works great. I used the Jump rings from the jewelry department to attach to the sides of the camera. I like the small snap hooks on the ends of the strap.
But when I came upstairs for lunch loook what was outside my house. Snow. I did not touch up the photos or use any thing special. I only downsized them to 4 x 6. This is really how it looks outside my front door.

Driveway and Yard on 30 Oct 09, 1 pm. Every year since we moved to Bemidji, we have had snow or rainy and cold for Halloween. The kids here wear snowsuits under their costumes. This is why I call my blog, Brr midji Designs. I'll post more really reason pictures in January when it's 50 below. Bemidji is the first city on the Mississippi River, the Headwaters of the Mississippi is about 50 miles away. Every winter when the lake freezes, yes freezes, people ice fish and put like fih houses, little trailers on the lake to fish from. So the joke is that Brr...midji is the second city on the Mississippi.
Just for your info, Bemidji is indian for "river runs through it." The Mississippi River runs right through Lake Bemidji.